2019.01.14 - 2023.01.31
Su Tseng-chang, a native of Pingtung in southern Taiwan, received his LL.B. from National Taiwan University. As an attorney, he stood as an advocate for the defense at the trials that followed 1979’s Kaohsiung Incident. Prior to his 2019 appointment, Su also served as the magistrate of both Pingtung and Taipei counties, secretary-general of the Office of the President, and once before at the head of the Executive Yuan as premier.
Important Events
- 2019.01.14Premier Su assumes the premiership, and inspects African swine fever prevention efforts at Taoyuan International Airport, where he instructs that 100% of carry-on baggage be inspected, successfully preventing the fever’s spread.
- 2019.01.15Premier Su signs off on the third phase of the Long-term National Space Technology Development Program as the first official document approved in his term.
- 2019.01.17The premier directs banks to simplify customer verification procedures for the convenience of the banking public.
- 2019.02.15Premier Su becomes the first holder of his office to deliver his policy report to the Legislature as a live-broadcast multimedia presentation.
- 2019.02.16The government reaches a deal with four major transporters to resolve logistical issues with weekend delivery of fresh fruits and vegetables.
- 2019.02.21The Cabinet passes a draft bill to enforce Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 748, upholding marriage equality in Taiwan.
- 2019.02.27The administration overturns the convictions of a third batch of people sentenced during Taiwan’s authoritarian rule era, this time totaling 1,056 individuals.
- 2019.02.27The premier announces a flexible work schedule policy for workers in the fisheries industry.
- 2019.03.06Premier Su convenes the Executive Yuan public safety board, where he calls on authorities to crack down on lawlessness at adult entertainment venues, including drug use, street gang fighting and drunk driving.
- 2019.03.07The Cabinet approves amendments to the Teachers’ Act aimed at preventing sexual misconduct by teachers.
- 2019.03.12The government announces “loan customer growth” as a new banking evaluation index to spur bank financing to small and medium-sized businesses.
- 2019.03.14The Executive Yuan approves draft amendments to the Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act and the Criminal Code to prevent child abuse, street gang fighting and drunk driving.
- 2019.03.21The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Statute for Industrial Innovation to extend favorable tax treatment by 10 additional years, as well as offer tax credits for investment in smart machinery and 5G technology.
- 2019.03.22A third nationwide drug sweep under operation “safe home” nets 7,315 kilograms of illegal drugs.
- 2019.03.25The Executive Yuan gives approval for a plan to improve medical coverage for police officers, firefighters, maritime patrol and air service corps.
- 2019.03.28The Executive Yuan signs off on draft amendments to the Criminal Code to impose heavier punishments on repeat drunk driving offenders.
- 2019.03.28The Cabinet proposes changes to the Factory Management Act.
- 2019.03.28The Cabinet proposes amendments to the Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area.
- 2019.04.02Taiwan selects a quadrivalent recombinant influenza vaccine for its immunization drive in 2019.
- 2019.04.10The Executive Yuan approves a feasibility study for a light rail line to the northern port city of Keelung.
- 2019.04.11The Cabinet passes a draft bill encouraging Taiwanese individuals and for-profit enterprises to repatriate offshore assets.
- 2019.04.18The premier approves a program to improve seismic resistance of buildings in all public high schools, junior highs and elementary schools.
- 2019.04.18The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Income Tax Act and the Criminal Code to increase long-term care tax benefits and combat fake news.
- 2019.04.20Scholarships for the children of agricultural and fisheries workers are raised.
- 2019.04.25A feasibility study for a Yellow Line to be added to the Kaohsiung Mass Rapid Transit System is approved.
- 2019.04.26The Executive Yuan approves a program for the vertical expansion of industrial parks.
- 2019.05.01Tax payers begin enjoying higher deductions on tax filings.
- 2019.05.02The Executive Yuan proposes customs import tariff rule changes to encourage the replacement of large aging diesel vehicles.
- 2019.05.03The Executive Yuan gives approval for phase 3 of a rural revitalization program.
- 2019.05.10The government approves a program to improve air pollution at the Taichung power plant.
- 2019.05.10The Cabinet greenlights the Taiwan 5G action plan.
- 2019.05.24A special law on same-sex marriage takes effect.
- 2019.05.31The Executive Yuan approves phase 2 construction of the Circular Line spanning the Taipei and New Taipei metro systems, as well as a program to invest in the careers of young Taiwanese.
- 2019.06.04Construction kicks off on a pipeline to carry backup water from Taoyuan to Hsinchu.
- 2019.06.05The Cultural Fundamental Act is promulgated and put into effect. The Taiwan Creative Content Agency is founded.
- 2019.06.06The Executive Yuan approves a project to build a national sports park and train athletes.
- 2019.06.11The fall armyworm emergency response task force is established.
- 2019.06.14The Executive Yuan approves seven projects on Hakka culture, including language revival, arts development and community revitalization.
- 2019.06.17The government approves subsidies for the replacement of old taxi cabs.
- 2019.06.24Taiwan announces the success of its foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) vaccination cessation project, and applies to the World Organisation for Animal Health for designation as an FMD-free country where vaccination is not practiced.
- 2019.06.25The Cabinet approves the Three Major Programs for Investing in Taiwan: the Action Plan for Welcoming Overseas Taiwanese Businesses to Return to Invest in Taiwan, Action Plan for Accelerated Investment by Domestic Corporations, and Action Plan for Accelerated Investment by SMEs.
- 2019.06.27Taiwan is removed from the European Union’s illegal fishing watch list.
- 2019.07.01Public Television Service’s Taiwanese-language channel begins broadcasting.
- 2019.07.04Taiwan officially joins the Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement.
- 2019.07.07The administration overturns the convictions of a fourth batch of people sentenced during Taiwan’s authoritarian rule era, this time totaling 2,006 individuals.
- 2019.07.16The permit for the decommissioning of Taiwan’s No. 1 nuclear plant takes effect.
- 2019.07.18The Executive Yuan passes draft amendments to the Agricultural Insurance Act to help diversify business risks for farmers.
- 2019.07.23The government announces unlimited subsidies for installation of vision-based driver assistance systems in large vehicles.
- 2019.07.25The Executive Yuan proposes a bill promoting the employment of middle-aged and elderly persons.
- 2019.08.01The 2019 school curriculum guidelines are officially implemented. Telecommunications fees for fishing boats are fully subsidized. All children under age 4 are eligible for childrearing subsidies.
- 2019.08.02A cellular communication base station is activated at the north peak of Yushan.
- 2019.08.15The Executive Yuan approves the second phase of an improvement project for the Tongxiao power plant in Miaoli County.
- 2019.08.15A proposal to hike the nation’s minimum wage rates is approved, with the hourly rate to rise to NT$158 (US$5.03).
- 2019.08.20The government raises tuition subsidies for children of unemployed workers to a maximum of NT$24,000 (US$764) per person.
- 2019.08.28The Executive Yuan greenlights an expanded fall and winter subsidy program for domestic tourism.
- 2019.08.30New uniforms, shower facilities and clothes washers are purchased for trash collection teams across the nation.
- 2019.09.01The government begins offering home rental subsidies for single adults, newlyweds, and families with minor children.
- 2019.09.02During the fourth wave of operation “safe home,” law enforcement seize 2,571 kilograms of illegal drugs and more than NT$10 million (US$318,451) in criminal proceeds.
- 2019.09.10The government announces plans to extend the high-speed rail to Pingtung in southern Taiwan.
- 2019.09.11The Executive Yuan approves the second phase of an expanded fall and winter subsidy program for domestic tourism.
- 2019.09.12The government greenlights a subsidy of NT$60,000 (US$1,932) per person per year for those living in residential long-term care facilities.
- 2019.09.18The Executive Yuan authorizes a program to promote digital transformation among small and medium-sized businesses.
- 2019.10.01The Executive Yuan orders immediate inspections and reconstruction of all aging and dangerous bridges in Taiwan.
- 2019.10.08The government approves a project to relocate residents of Kaohsiung’s Dalinpu village.
- 2019.10.17The government earmarks NT$2.55 billion (US$83.1 million) to compensate the Yami people of Orchid Island for maintaining a nuclear waste storage facility on land reserved for indigenous peoples.
- 2019.10.17The Startup Terrace innovation park in New Taipei is inaugurated and welcomes 15 international accelerators and 130-plus tenant companies.
- 2019.10.21The Executive Yuan announces the Salute to the Mountains policy, lifting public access restrictions on mountains and forests.
- 2019.10.23The Executive Yuan announces funding support for linking roads along the left embankment of the Dahan River in northern Taiwan.
- 2019.10.27The central government announces it will fund the costs of raising the left embankment of the Wugu floodway in New Taipei.
- 2019.10.30The second stage of phase 2 of the Banxin water supply improvement project is completed, allowing Taipei and New Taipei cities to share water from the Feicui Reservoir.
- 2019.11.08An extension of the Sanying metro line to Taoyuan’s Bade District is approved.
- 2019.11.08The Executive Yuan approves a traceable agricultural products verification management program, as well as amendments to a “green payments” subsidy program.
- 2019.11.08The Executive Yuan greenlights a rural health care improvement plan.
- 2019.11.12Taiwan inaugurates its first large-scale offshore windfarm.
- 2019.11.14The Executive Yuan approves phase 2 of a project to transform Kinmen into a low-carbon island.
- 2019.11.20The Ocean Basic Act takes effect.
- 2019.11.22The government announces that Taiwan can export green jujubes to South Korea, becoming the only country in the world to do so.
- 2019.11.25The vessels R/V New Ocean Researchers 2 and 3 are delivered.
- 2019.11.28The Executive Yuan approves a feasibility study on extending National Freeway 10 from Pingtung’s Ligang Interchange to Kaohsiung’s Xinwei Bridge.
- 2019.11.28The Executive Yuan greenlights amendments to an action plan to boost small and medium-sized enterprises’ investments in Taiwan.
- 2019.11.30Construction begins on a roadway connecting National Freeway 1 to Provincial Highway 74.
- 2019.12.06The Executive Yuan approves a preparatory project to build a science park in Kaohsiung’s Qiaotou District as part of the Southern Taiwan Science Park.
- 2019.12.11A project to improve the quality of long-term care residential facilities is approved.
- 2019.12.12The government approves several urban renewal projects in Taipei and New Taipei cities, including development of Shezi Island, dike raising in Wugu, and landfill cleanings in Sanchong and Luzhou.
- 2019.12.13The Executive Yuan approves a feasibility study on extending elevated railway tracks in Chiayi.
- 2019.12.16The Shalun Green Energy Technology Demonstration Site in Tainan opens to tenant companies.
- 2019.12.23A new 600-metric ton patrol vessel is christened, and a 35-metric ton patrol vessel and multifunctional boats are delivered.
- 2019.12.23The South Link Highway is widened, and the entire length of the West Coast Expressway is opened to traffic. Electric train service is inaugurated between Fangliao and Chaozou stations on the South Link Line.
- 2019.12.31Health officials begin screening arriving passengers from Wuhan for coronavirus before they disembark flights. Taiwan is the first country in the world to do so.
- 2020.01.01The government expands the scope of logging ban compensations for lands reserved for indigenous peoples.
- 2020.01.01Increases take effect for minimum wage rates, elderly farmer stipends and social worker salaries.
- 2020.01.06The Suhua Highway along Provincial Highway 9 is open to traffic after improvement work is completed.
- 2020.01.12Taiwan sends health experts to Wuhan to investigate the coronavirus outbreak.
- 2020.01.15The anti-infiltration act is promulgated and put into effect.
- 2020.01.21Taiwan’s first confirmed case of coronavirus infection is discovered by health officials conducting on-board screening of passengers from Wuhan.
- 2020.01.23The Central Epidemic Command Center is upgraded to a level-2 facility as Wuhan imposes lockdown.
- 2020.01.24Taiwan bans the export of face masks.
- 2020.01.31The government requisitions all face masks produced domestically.
- 2020.02.02An announcement is made to delay all school openings for two weeks at the high school level and below.
- 2020.02.03The first charter flight repatriating Taiwanese businesspeople from Wuhan returns to Taiwan.
- 2020.02.04The Taiwan Design Research Institute is established.
- 2020.02.06Taiwan rolls out the Name-based Mask Distribution System for the public.
- 2020.02.13A feasibility study on an eastern section of Taipei metro’s Circular Line is approved.
- 2020.02.17Findings from an investigation into the 1980 massacre of family members of democracy movement leader Lin Yi-hsiung are published.
- 2020.02.20The Executive Yuan proposes a special bill to prevent COVID-19 and provide economic relief and stimulus measures.
- 2020.02.25The Legislature approves the Special Act for Prevention, Relief and Revitalization Measures for Severe Pneumonia with Novel Pathogens, paving the way for relief efforts to begin.
- 2020.02.27The Cabinet passes a proposed special budget for COVID-19 relief and announces the Central Epidemic Command Center’s upgrade to a level-1 facility.
- 2020.03.04A COVID-prevention taxi fleet is set up to transport inbound travelers from the airport directly to their place of quarantine.
- 2020.03.05Face mask production tops 10 million units per day for the first time.
- 2020.03.12Name-based Mask Distribution System 2.0 is rolled out.
- 2020.03.13The Legislature approves a special budget to fund the fight against COVID-19 together with economic relief and stimulus measures.
- 2020.03.24The Executive Yuan announces a second COVID-19 relief package.
- 2020.03.26U.S. President Donald Trump signs the TAIPEI Act, or Taiwan Allies International Protection and Enhancement Initiative Act.
- 2020.03.26The Executive Yuan proposes a bill for a farmer pension system, a bill for citizen participation in criminal trials, and an amendment to the guns, ammunition and knives control act.
- 2020.04.01Taiwan donates 10 million face masks to countries hard hit by COVID-19.
- 2020.04.02The Executive Yuan proposes a second-phase COVID-19 relief package worth over NT$1 trillion (US$33 billion).
- 2020.04.21The Legislature approves amendments to the Special Act for Prevention, Relief and Revitalization Measures for Severe Pneumonia with Novel Pathogens, raising the ceiling of the special budget to NT$210 billion (US$7 billion).
- 2020.04.22Name-based Mask Distribution System 3.0 is implemented. A press conference is held on the progress of relief and stimulus efforts.
- 2020.04.23The Executive Yuan proposes a special budget increase to fund an expansion of the COVID-19 response program.
- 2020.04.23The Executive Yuan greenlights expansions to the Tainan campus of the Southern Taiwan Science Park.
- 2020.04.27Home rental subsidies for single adults, newlyweds, and families with minor children are integrated and expanded to cover 120,000 households.
- 2020.04.27A humanitarian campaign is launched to allow people to donate their quota of face masks to countries in need.
- 2020.04.30A feasibility study on extending the Wugu-Yangmei overpass on National Freeway 1 to Miaoli’s Toufen Township is approved.
- 2020.04.30The Executive Yuan approves a project to clean the ocean.
- 2020.05.01Tax payers with long-term care expenses can begin taking a special deduction of NT$120,000 (US$4,013) on tax filings.
- 2020.05.04Findings from an investigation into the 1981 death of democracy advocate Chen Wen-chen are published.
- 2020.05.07The Executive Yuan puts forth amendments to the Criminal Code, Enforcement Law of the Criminal Code, and Act Governing the Use of Police Weapons.
- 2020.05.08The Legislative Yuan passes a special budget increase to fund an expansion of the COVID-19 response program.
- 2020.05.14Under three major programs to boost investment in Taiwan, approved investments by companies surpass the NT$1 trillion (US$33.4 billion) mark.
- 2020.05.19The Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute is inaugurated.
- 2020.05.22The Executive Yuan authorizes an air pollution control plan.
- 2020.06.02The government announces the “triple stimulus” vouchers program.
- 2020.06.03The Coast Guard Administration launches its first 4,000-metric ton patrol vessel, the Chiayi.
- 2020.06.08On National Oceans Day, the Executive Yuan approves the National Ocean Policy White Paper.
- 2020.06.13Taiwan is declared by the World Organisation for Animal Health to be free of foot-and-mouth disease.
- 2020.06.16Taiwan places 11th in the World Competitiveness Yearbook, its best showing since 2016.
- 2020.06.18The Executive Yuan approves a Hong Kong humanitarian aid project.
- 2020.06.22The Brave Eagle new advanced jet trainer takes its maiden flight.
- 2020.06.305G services are launched as Taiwan enters the 5G era alongside the U.S., Japan and South Korea.
- 2020.07.01The Executive Yuan greenlights programs for elementary and junior high schools to improve audiovisual classrooms and upgrade school kitchens.
- 2020.07.01Sign-up begins for the triple stimulus voucher program.
- 2020.07.03An initiative to help young entrepreneurs fulfill dreams is approved.
- 2020.07.06The Executive Yuan passes a program to improve elementary school playgrounds and another to upgrade power systems at the high school level and below.
- 2020.07.07The government announces that all elementary and junior high school classrooms will have air conditioning by 2022.
- 2020.07.13A preparatory project to build an “X base” at the Hsinchu Science Park is approved.
- 2020.07.21The R/V New Ocean Researcher 1 vessel is delivered.
- 2020.07.23Summer electricity consumption hits a record high with solar power contributing as much as 6 percent to total supply.
- 2020.07.23The Executive Yuan sets forth a second increase to the COVID-19 special budget for Taiwan’s response program.
- 2020.07.31The Executive Yuan approves off-campus rental subsidies for college students, along with a program to modernize dormitories.
- 2020.08.09- 2020-08-12 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar visits Taiwan as the two sides sign a memorandum of understanding on health cooperation.
- 2020.08.14A year since the enactment of an offshore funds repatriation law, the government has received applications to repatriate NT$216.6 billion (US$7.3 billion).
- 2020.08.15Construction begins on an offshore wind power operation and maintenance base in Changhua.
- 2020.08.27The Taipei Music Center is inaugurated.
- 2020.08.27The Executive Yuan passes the Zhuoshui River fugitive dust control project (phase 2). A new passport cover design is approved.
- 2020.08.28Taiwan inaugurates an F-16 fighter aircraft maintenance center.
- 2020.08.28Taiwan announces the easing of restrictions on U.S. pork and beef imports.
- 2020.08.28Law enforcement officials carry out the fifth wave of operation “safe home” to crack down on illicit drugs.
- 2020.08.30- 2020-09-04 Czech Senate President Miloš Vystrčil leads a delegation to Taiwan.
- 2020.09.01The Executive Yuan approves a project to move railway tracks underground in Taoyuan.
- 2020.09.03The government establishes a NT$10 billion (US$338.6 million) fund to boost the pig farming industry’s competitiveness.
- 2020.09.04Google announces an investment of NT$20 billion (US$677.1 million) to build a third data center in Taiwan.
- 2020.09.17- 2020-09-19 U.S. Under Secretary of State Keith Krach visits Taiwan.
- 2020.09.25The Executive Yuan approves the continued operation of eight water reclamation plants and the construction of three new ones.
- 2020.09.28Taiwan issues the 1,000th employment gold card for foreign nationals.
- 2020.10.01The Irrigation Agency is founded.
- 2020.10.19A feasibility study on elevating railways in Yilan is approved, while plans are made to extend the high-speed railway line to Yilan.
- 2020.10.23Power generators Nos. 9 and 10 are completed at the Tashan Power Plant in Kinmen County.
- 2020.10.23Lawmakers approve a second increase to the COVID-19 special budget for Taiwan’s response program.
- 2020.10.26Microsoft announces investments for four major projects in Taiwan.
- 2020.10.26Intraday odd-lot trading begins.
- 2020.10.29The Executive Yuan proposes amendments to the exclusive economic zone law and the Sand and Gravel Excavation Act to stiffen penalties and fines for illegal cross-border sand mining.
- 2020.10.30Taiwan registers GDP growth of 3.33 percent in the third quarter, the only positive rate among the Four Asian Tigers.
- 2020.11.17The Executive Yuan approves phase 2 of a government-sponsored physicians program.
- 2020.11.20The Taiwan-U.S. Economic Prosperity Partnership Dialogue is held as the two sides sign a memorandum of understanding.
- 2020.11.24Construction begins on indigenous submarines.
- 2020.11.25Taiwan places fourth—its highest ranking ever—in a survey by the Asian Corporate Governance Association.
- 2020.11.26The Executive Yuan proposes a draft bill to promote industrial-academic cooperation and nurture talent in fields important to national development.
- 2020.11.27The Executive Yuan approves plans for a new, domestically built ferry operating between Taiwan proper and the Penghu Islands.
- 2020.12.03The government announces five measures for managing pork imports.
- 2020.12.03The Executive Yuan proposes a plan to create a healthier real estate market.
- 2020.12.04The Middle-aged and Elderly Employment Promotion Act takes effect.
- 2020.12.08Taiwan is rated as the only “open” country in Asia in a global survey on civic space.
- 2020.12.10The Executive Yuan approves a feasibility study on extending the high-speed rail to Pingtung in southern Taiwan.
- 2020.12.10The National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights is adopted.
- 2020.12.15Taiwan and the U.S. sign a scientific and technological cooperation agreement.
- 2020.12.15Taiwan’s semiconductor industry is the second largest in the world as output value breaks the NT$3 trillion (US$105.4 billion) mark.
- 2020.12.20The South Link railway line becomes fully electrified.
- 2020.12.23Domestically produced meat is used in school lunches at all 3,368 elementary and junior high schools across the nation.
- 2020.12.24Exports for the first 11 months of the year reach US$312.3 billion with export orders hitting US$473.1 billion, both historic highs.
- 2020.12.24The November unemployment rate drops to an eight-month low of 3.75 percent.
- 2020.12.24Basic living expense allowance per person is raised and may be deducted in 2021 tax filings.
- 2020.12.25The Legislative Yuan passes an amendment to the Civil Code to lower the age of majority to 18. The Act Governing Electronic Payment Institutions is also amended.
- 2020.12.30The second phase of the New Generation Anti-drug Strategy is approved.
- 2020.12.30The Legislature approves a new version of the actual-price registration system for property transactions.
- 2020.12.31Construction is completed on a desalination plant in Penghu capable of producing 4,000 metric tons of potable water per day.
- 2020.12.31The TAIEX closes above the 10,000-point mark for the 1,150th day, hitting a historic high of over 14,700 points.
- 2021.01.01Higher minimum wage rates take effect. Subsidies are increased for employers who hire middle-aged and elderly workers.
- 2021.01.01Under the preferential home mortgage program for young adults, the interest rate on the one-off variable rate option is lowered from 1.43 to 1.4 percent.
- 2021.01.01Telemedicine is incorporated into the National Health Insurance system. A preferential home mortgage program for young adults is extended.
- 2021.01.01Farmer pension and crop insurance laws take effect. Elementary and junior high schools receive increased subsidies for school lunches.
- 2021.01.05Taiwan places sixth globally and first in Asia for gender equality (assessment based on a model used by the U.N. Development Programme).
- 2021.01.06Taiwan’s foreign exchange reserves reach US$529.9 million.
- 2021.01.07The Executive Yuan proposes amendments to the Commodity Tax Act to extend for five more years commodity tax discounts when trading in old scooters or vehicles. Subsidies for purchasing electric scooters will also be continued.
- 2021.01.10The Executive Yuan directs the Council of Agriculture to publish compensation standards for agricultural losses caused by cold weather, ensuring farmers receive compensation as quickly as possible.
- 2021.01.10U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announces a decision to lift restrictions on official exchanges between Taiwan and the U.S.
- 2021.01.10The government announces plans for a science park in Pingtung.
- 2021.01.11The Maritime Technology Innovation Center is launched.
- 2021.01.11Passports are issued with a new cover design highlighting “Taiwan.”
- 2021.05.06The Cabinet passes three policies to build a supportive environment for pregnancy and childrearing, expanding fertility treatment subsidies, increasing subsidies for parental leave without pay, and raising the number and scope of free prenatal exams.
- 2021.07.29The Cabinet approves the five-year NT$40.7 billion (US$1.5 billion) second phase of a program to strengthen Taiwan’s social safety net, bolstering community support services and mental health programs.
- 2021.09.22Sign-up begins for the quintuple stimulus voucher program.
- 2021.12.30The Cabinet approves development plans for Chiayi Science Park and Pingtung Science Park.
- 2022.04.21The Cabinet passes draft amendments to the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act, changing the act’s name to the Climate Change Response Act and codifying the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050.
- 2022.04.25An air conditioning installation program is completed in nearly 3,500 elementary and junior high schools nationwide.
- 2022.05.05The Cabinet approves Taiwan’s first National Human Rights Action Plan.
- 2022.05.23The Cabinet approves an NT$30 billion (US$1 billion) expanded rent subsidy program.
- 2022.09.01The government launches programs to provide internet access for every classroom, tablet access for every student, and central kitchen services for rural schools.
- 2022.12.30The government completes a 141-kilometer underground cable and tree-planting project along the Ping-E Highway at the southern tip of Taiwan.
- 2023.01.12The Cabinet passed a proposed special bill to boost economic and social resilience and share the proceeds of growth in the post-pandemic era, containing a one-time payment of NT$6,000 (US$197) to every person.