Chen Chien-jen earned a Bachelor of Science from National Taiwan University’s (NTU) Department of Zoology and went on to complete a Master of Public Health at NTU’s Graduate Institute of Public Health, before attaining a Doctor of Science from Johns Hopkins University’s School of Hygiene and Public Health in the U.S. On returning to Taiwan he attained a professorship at NTU and went on to hold directorships at NTU’s Graduate Institute of Public Health and Graduate Institute of Epidemiology, rising to become dean of the university’s College of Public Health. Before serving as premier, his official appointments included minister of the Department of Health, minister of the National Science Council, distinguished research fellow at Academia Sinica’s Genomics Research Center, vice president of Academia Sinica, and vice president of the Republic of China (Taiwan).
Important Events
- 2023.01.31The Executive Yuan approves a 2023-2026 plan outlining a path to reach net-zero carbon emissions, with the long-term development goal of attaining net zero by 2050.
- 2023.02.02The Cabinet approves the draft bill for the Marine Industry Development Act to promote the growth of marine industries alongside environmental sustainability.
- 2023.02.03The Executive Yuan approves the wind power zonal development stage of the Offshore Wind Farm Project to establish Taiwan as a major exporter of offshore wind energy technology in Asia.
- 2023.02.03The Executive Yuan approves a program to build a smart management system for agricultural food product safety, protecting food safety nationwide through measures that promote self-regulation in agricultural product sourcing.
- 2023.02.08Amendments to the Equalization of Land Rights Act are promulgated, curbing property speculation for a healthier real estate market.
- 2023.02.16The Cabinet approves draft bills for a regenerative medicine act and a regenerative pharmaceuticals act.
- 2023.02.21The government passes the Special Act for Enhancing Economic and Social Resilience and Public Sharing of Economic Achievement in the Post-pandemic Era, enabling the Cabinet to approve a post-pandemic special budget on February 23, 2023 to help people resume their normal lives, transform and upgrade industries, and maintain economic momentum.
- 2023.02.23The Cabinet passes a public transportation promotion program and the Accelerated and Expanded Inbound Tourism Promotion Program.
- 2023.02.23The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Indemnities Act for Military Personnel to improve financial security for families of deceased military personnel.
- 2023.03.01The Executive Yuan passes a medium-term plan to develop major tourist attractions and build a better environment for tourism.
- 2023.03.06The Kaohsiung Port Cruise Terminal officially opens.
- 2023.03.08The Executive Yuan approves the fourth phase of its social housing subleasing and management scheme in integration with the existing NT$30 billion (NT$974.3 million) expanded rent subsidy program.
- 2023.03.09The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Patent Act and Trademark Act to rebuild the patent and trademark remedy system and establish a system for trademark agents.
- 2023.03.16The Cabinet reports on a plan to share the proceeds of economic growth by providing a one-off cash payment to every person, to be distributed starting March 22, 2023.
- 2023.03.16The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Plant Variety and Plant Seed Act to prevent illegal imports and exports of plant varieties and plant seeds, and boost the agricultural industry’s competitiveness.
- 2023.03.20The first phase of the Tainan Anping Reclaimed Water Plant begins operation, supplying water to local industries.
- 2023.03.21Taiwan is included in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Social Institutions and Gender Index for the first time, ranking first in Asia and among the top worldwide.
- 2023.03.23The Executive Yuan passes a program to inject funding into the Labor Insurance Fund to improve cash flow.
- 2023.03.23The Executive Yuan approves a construction project for the Kaohsiung section of National Freeway No. 7.
- 2023.03.23The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Human Trafficking Prevention Act.
- 2023.03.23The Cabinet approves the draft bill for the Indigenous Peoples Health Act.
- 2023.03.23The Executive Yuan announces a program to distribute NT$500 (US$16) Youth Sports Vouchers to young people ages 16 to 22 to spend on athletics-related activities.
- 2023.03.23The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Criminal Code of the Republic of China to combat complex crimes committed by fraud groups, protect society and strengthen legal regulations.
- 2023.03.24The Executive Yuan passes a plan to stabilize water supply and combat drought in southern Taiwan for the year 2023.
- 2023.03.29The Executive Yuan approves Ministry of Education regulations for a post-pandemic student loan subsidy plan, alleviating the burdens of loan borrowers.
- 2023.03.29The Executive Yuan passes a comprehensive plan to develop the Taipei Metro Circular Line’s east section and its surrounding area.
- 2023.03.29The Executive Yuan passes a plan to prevent illegal logging in mountain forests.
- 2023.03.29The Executive Yuan passes a program to create increased value and growth in the business services industry market.
- 2023.03.29The Executive Yuan passes a program to inject funding into the National Health Insurance Fund.
- 2023.03.29The Executive Yuan passes version 2.0 of a plan to enhance the safety of on-duty police officers.
- 2023.03.29The Executive Yuan passes a program to improve management of radiation safety for atomic energy applications.
- 2023.03.30The Executive Yuan passes a net-zero science and technology program.
- 2023.03.30The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Special Education Act to bolster protections for the rights and interests of students and preschoolers in special education.
- 2023.03.30The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Act of Use of Weapons and Requisite Instruments by the Coast Guard Authority to enable more flexible use of tools and defensive weapons by coast guard personnel.
- 2023.03.30The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Marine Pollution Control Act to guarantee environmental protections alongside the development of marine industries.
- 2023.03.30The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Public Television Act to strengthen the operational management and competitiveness of public television services.
- 2023.03.30The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Attorney Regulation Act to codify a legal framework for public attorneys.
- 2023.03.30The Cabinet reports on the progress of government measures to counter declining birth rates and a new plan to reduce preschool student-teacher ratios.
- 2023.04.06The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Electricity Act and 21 other laws to deter illegal activities that would damage critical national infrastructure.
- 2023.04.06The Executive Yuan passes a program to phase out substandard or unused distant water fishing vessels for more sustainable and efficient management of Taiwan’s fishing capacity.
- 2023.04.06The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries Act to stop illegal price gouging, ticket scalping or other improper acquisition of tickets for arts and cultural performances.
- 2023.04.06The Cabinet delivers a report on the 2023-2026 net-zero science and technology program.
- 2023.04.07The Executive Yuan passes regulations enabling the Ministry of Health and Welfare to allocate funds from the post-pandemic special budget to subsidize National Pension insurance premiums, and to raise food bank subsidies and living allowances for vulnerable groups.
- 2023.04.10The Executive Yuan approves a plan to promote the use of public transportation, including the official launch on July 1, 2023 of TPASS, a commuter card allowing one month of unlimited journeys within a specific region across multiple modes of public transport.
- 2023.04.10The government increases the maximum limit for overtime pay for the Coast Guard Administration’s operational patrol personnel.
- 2023.04.10The government updates the salary tables for conscripted military service members, as well as tables designating professional allowances for all service members.
- 2023.04.10Construction begins on a project to improve safety facilities for passenger ferry transport at Budai Port and Magong Port.
- 2023.04.12The Executive Yuan passes a comprehensive plan to develop section 2B of the Kaohsiung Metro’s Red Line extension and its surrounding area.
- 2023.04.13The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Personal Data Protection Act.
- 2023.04.13The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Securities Investment Trust and Consulting Act.
- 2023.04.13The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Money Laundering Control Act.
- 2023.04.17The Executive Yuan reinstates its science and technology advisory system, replacing the Board of Science and Technology with the Science and Technology Advisory Board.
- 2023.04.17The Executive Yuan passes a comprehensive plan for the development of Kaohsiung International Airport up to the year 2040.
- 2023.04.18The Executive Yuan passes a program to upgrade information technologies supporting police agency operations.
- 2023.04.20The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Securities and Exchange Act.
- 2023.04.20The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Juvenile Justice Act.
- 2023.04.21The Executive Yuan approves an action plan for 12 key strategies to achieve Taiwan’s goal of transitioning to net zero by 2050.
- 2023.04.21The Executive Yuan approves a construction project to improve traffic between the northbound sections of the Taipei and Yuanshan Interchanges on National Freeway No. 1.
- 2023.04.21The Executive Yuan passes a program to implement conservation measures in the catchment area of Zengwen Reservoir.
- 2023.04.26S&P Global Ratings affirms Taiwan’s credit rating at AA+ with a stable outlook.
- 2023.04.27The Executive Yuan passes the 14th edition of its plan to improve road traffic order and safety.
- 2023.04.27The Executive Yuan passes a medium-term plan to sustainably improve local environments to support tourism.
- 2023.04.27The Executive Yuan passes a program to alleviate labor shortages and expand employment in the post-pandemic era.
- 2023.04.27The Executive Yuan passes a program to implement conservation measures in the catchment areas of Shihmen Reservoir, Ronghua Dam and Yuanshan Weir.
- 2023.04.27The Executive Yuan approves projects to build seawater desalination plants in Hsinchu and Tainan.
- 2023.04.27The Executive Yuan passes a five-year plan to boost the efficacy of mountain rescue operations.
- 2023.04.27The Cabinet reports on the progress of the Regional Revitalization 2.0 policy.
- 2023.04.27The Cabinet approves a draft bill to establish a national languages research and development center.
- 2023.05.01The Executive Yuan promotes a program to facilitate employment for middle-aged and elderly people.
- 2023.05.03Premier Chen attends the Taiwan High Prosecutors Office’s plaque unveiling ceremony for its new Fraud and Cybersecurity Center.
- 2023.05.10The Executive Yuan approves phase two of the Youth Employment Investment Program.
- 2023.05.10The Executive Yuan passes version 2.0 of a plan to promote sustainable water quality, with heightened focus on improving the quality of river environments.
- 2023.05.11The Executive Yuan approves revisions to an action plan to establish innovative biomanufacturing R&D service capabilities in Taiwan.
- 2023.05.11The Cabinet approves an agreement between Taiwan and Germany for mutual legal assistance on criminal matters.
- 2023.05.12The premier attends the handover ceremony for “Haihsiung,” the fourth 100-ton patrol vessel delivered to the Customs Administration.
- 2023.05.15The Executive Yuan increases subsidies for people with moderate-to-severe disabilities in residential care institutions.
- 2023.05.18The Executive Yuan approves a medium-term plan to establish an AI-powered intelligent search and rescue dispatch system.
- 2023.05.18The Cabinet reports on the progress of the Asia Silicon Valley 2.0 plan, aiming to make Taiwan a driving force for digital innovation in Asia.
- 2023.05.18The Executive Yuan approves a draft amendment to the Communicable Disease Control Act.
- 2023.05.24The Executive Yuan passes a plan to extend Chiayi’s elevated railways.
- 2023.05.24The Executive Yuan publishes a survey on the living conditions of LGBTI people in Taiwan, the first such official survey conducted by a government in Asia.
- 2023.05.25The Cabinet approves a set of traffic safety guidelines prioritizing pedestrian right of way.
- 2023.05.26The Executive Yuan passes a plan to achieve full electrification of Taiwan’s bus transportation network by 2030.
- 2023.05.26The Executive Yuan approves the second phase of a project to renovate electrical substations.
- 2023.05.26The Executive Yuan approves updates to its NT$30 billion (US$975.7 million) expanded rent subsidy program.
- 2023.05.26The Executive Yuan approves a 15% increase to the on-duty pay allowance of police officers.
- 2023.05.26The Executive Yuan approves a program to promote video relay services to facilitate communication for people with hearing disabilities.
- 2023.05.26The Executive Yuan approves a program to prevent marine pollution and promote clean oceans.
- 2023.05.26Updates are made to a plan to integrate resources for housing subsidies.
- 2023.05.30The government launches a program to provide owner-occupied housing loan support for households of middle-class incomes and below.
- 2023.05.31The Executive Yuan’s Anti-Fraud Office is inaugurated.
- 2023.06.01An agreement on bilateral trade is signed by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States and the American Institute in Taiwan, the result of the most wide-ranging and comprehensive trade negotiations conducted between Taiwan and the U.S. since 1979.
- 2023.06.01The Executive Yuan approves a program for the Ministry of Justice and other subordinate agencies of the Executive Yuan to develop a smart warehouse for the management of seized goods.
- 2023.06.01The Cabinet announces a 4% raise to the salaries of military personnel, civil servants and public school teachers, to take effect starting January 1, 2024.
- 2023.06.05The Executive Yuan passes a program to upgrade construction of service facilities at maritime passenger terminals.
- 2023.06.05The Executive Yuan passes a program to employ smart technologies to enhance maritime safety.
- 2023.06.08The Cabinet reports on the implementation of the government’s special budget to boost economic and social resilience and share the proceeds of growth in the post-pandemic era.
- 2023.06.08The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Simple Life Insurance Act.
- 2023.06.09The Executive Yuan passes a medium-term plan to establish the Taiwan Community Emergency Response Team (T-CERT) to bolster civilian response to disasters.
- 2023.06.09Amendments to the Presidential and Vice Presidential Election and Recall Act and to the Public Officials Election and Recall Act are promulgated.
- 2023.06.09The Executive Yuan approves version 1.5 of its next-generation anti-fraud strategy guidelines.
- 2023.06.09An amendment to the Act for Implementation of Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 748 is promulgated, allowing same-sex married couples to adopt children who are not biologically related to the couple.
- 2023.06.09The Executive Yuan passes version 2.0 of its Social Innovation Action Plan.
- 2023.06.15The Executive Yuan announces the opening of Taiwan’s markets to Canadian beef imports.
- 2023.06.16Taiwan maintains its Tier 1 ranking in the U.S. Department of State’s Trafficking in Persons Report for the 14th year in a row.
- 2023.06.17The Executive Yuan approves an updated plan for the construction of passenger and cargo transportation zones at the Yanpu fishing harbor in Pingtung County.
- 2023.06.19Premier Chen attends the groundbreaking ceremony for a small vessel berthing area and floating dock at the Wuqi fishing harbor in Taichung.
- 2023.06.19The Executive Yuan greenlights a program to recruit international talent and create a one-stop service center to support foreign professionals.
- 2023.06.20The 2023 World Competitiveness Yearbook published by the Swiss-based International Institute for Management Development places Taiwan sixth overall out of 64 surveyed countries, and first among countries with a population over 20 million.
- 2023.06.21The Executive Yuan approves version 2.0 of a 141-kilometer underground cable and tree-planting project along the Ping-E Highway at the southern tip of Taiwan.
- 2023.06.28Amendments to the Immigration Act are promulgated, facilitating travel for nationals without household registration in Taiwan, enhancing immigrant rights protections, and strengthening border security administration.
- 2023.07.01Amendments to the Crime Victim Rights Protection Act take force.
- 2023.07.01The government implements a new system to adjust co-payments for outpatient medication and emergency care services.
- 2023.07.05The Executive Yuan greenlights central government subsidies to raise the salaries of social workers in the private sector.
- 2023.07.06The Executive Yuan passes the fifth phase of a program to maintain and develop historical and cultural assets.
- 2023.07.06The Executive Yuan passes a plan to build a new campus of Feng Yuan Hospital in Houli District, Taichung City.
- 2023.07.06The Executive Yuan passes a program to enhance the overall development of Coast Guard Administration port facilities.
- 2023.07.06The Executive Yuan passes a medium-term plan to enhance the development and use of science and technology for volunteer firefighters in order to create a more resilient Taiwan.
- 2023.07.06The Cabinet announces an end to nationwide classical swine fever vaccinations, part of an initiative that is on track to eradicate the disease from Taiwan’s hog population.
- 2023.07.07The Executive Yuan approves updates to a policy to counter declining birth rates, including measures to create a friendlier environment for childrearing.
- 2023.07.07The Executive Yuan greenlights a medium- to long-term plan to build a joint record archive for central government institutions in Taoyuan.
- 2023.07.10The Executive Yuan greenlights a 15% increase to the hazard duty pay of professional personnel in firefighting, coast guard, airborne service, immigration, and aerial survey agencies.
- 2023.07.10A government plan is announced for the creation of 22 additional cultural health stations to provide culturally sensitive care services for elderly indigenous people.
- 2023.07.13The Cabinet passes enhancements to a program to provide preferential housing loans for young homebuyers.
- 2023.07.13The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Sexual Harassment Prevention Act, Gender Equality in Employment Act, and Gender Equity Education Act.
- 2023.07.13The Cabinet reports on the progress of nationwide efforts to improve road safety.
- 2023.07.14The Executive Yuan approves a plan to build an extension of Southern Taiwan Science Park in Kaohsiung’s Nanzih District.
- 2023.07.14The Executive Yuan passes a plan to enhance education and training for police officers.
- 2023.07.19The Executive Yuan approves updates to the Key Talent Cultivation and Recruitment Program.
- 2023.07.19The Executive Yuan approves a plan to develop scientific and technological solutions for disaster resilience.
- 2023.07.19The Executive Yuan approves medium-term construction projects for a helicopter hangar at the National Airborne Service Corps’ Songshan Base and an aircraft hangar at Songshan Air Force Base.
- 2023.07.20The Executive Yuan passes a plan to promote the Taiwan New Car Assessment Program.
- 2023.07.20The Executive Yuan approves an increase to the personnel budget of the Ocean Conservation Administration.
- 2023.07.20The Cabinet reports on the status of Happiness Bus services, which provide accessible transportation for rural and remote areas.
- 2023.07.20The Cabinet signs off on a treaty for mutual legal assistance in criminal matters between the Republic of China (Taiwan) and Tuvalu.
- 2023.07.22The Executive Yuan announces that distribution of NT$1200 (US$38) Culture Points vouchers for young people to redeem on arts and cultural activities will be made a permanent policy starting from 2024 with eligibility widened to ages 16 to 22.
- 2023.07.24The Executive Yuan decrees an effective date of September 1, 2023 for amendments to the Rental Housing Market Development and Regulation Act, which promote information transparency in housing rentals.
- 2023.07.25The Executive Yuan approves updates to the Action Plan for Fisheries and Human Rights.
- 2023.07.27Taiwan and Singapore launch reciprocal access to each other’s automated immigration clearance systems.
- 2023.07.27The Cabinet reports on the progress of a nationwide program of road bridge safety inspections and remedial actions.
- 2023.07.28The Executive Yuan approves a program to purchase new vehicles for the Coast Guard Administration.
- 2023.07.31The government approves the state-owned CPC Corporation’s plan to construct a second natural gas pipeline between Yongan District, Kaohsiung and Tongxiao Township, Miaoli.
- 2023.07.31The Executive Yuan passes a program to improve the infrastructure and management of provincial expressways.
- 2023.07.31The Executive Yuan approves a program to develop applications for digital trust technologies and smart technologies to combat fraud.
- 2023.07.31The Executive Yuan approves a program to organize a special national team for marine debris management and set up a platform for marine debris governance in the Indo-Pacific region.
- 2023.08.01The Executive Yuan passes a program to improve pay for teaching and research staff in response to a personnel shortage in higher education.
- 2023.08.01The Executive Yuan approves the “one plus four T-content plan,” a program that subsidizes Taiwanese arts and cultural content in order to foster the industry’s production capacity and international engagement.
- 2023.08.01- 2023.09.27 The Executive Yuan completes organizational restructuring of its subordinate agencies, including the Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment, and Nuclear Safety Commission.
- 2023.08.07The Taiwan Carbon Solution Exchange is inaugurated, establishing a domestic carbon credit trading platform.
- 2023.08.09The Executive Yuan passes a program to enhance the readiness of maritime patrol vessels.
- 2023.08.09The Taiwan Food and Drug Administration becomes an affiliate member of the International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF).
- 2023.08.10The Cabinet reports on the progress and highlights of the Forward-looking Infrastructure Development Program.
- 2023.08.10The Cabinet delivers a report on the healthy state of central government finances.
- 2023.08.15Premier Chen attends a news conference on a Taiwan-U.S. joint operation which seized nearly 180 metric tons of the category three narcotic kratom from entering Taiwan.
- 2023.08.15The Executive Yuan approves an increase to the compensation provided to children of police personnel who become incapacitated or die while in the line of duty.
- 2023.08.16The Executive Yuan approves updates to a construction plan for the “X base” branch of Hsinchu Science Park.
- 2023.08.17The Executive Yuan approves policy guidelines for pedestrian traffic safety.
- 2023.08.17The Cabinet approves the draft bill for the Road Traffic Safety Basic Act.
- 2023.08.17The Executive Yuan passes a program to develop educational resources for police academy students to learn methods of dealing with new forms of crime.
- 2023.08.17The Executive Yuan passes a program promoting digital technology to ensure equal access to National Health Insurance health care services.
- 2023.08.17The Cabinet announces the 2023-2027 policy guidelines for pedestrian traffic safety.
- 2023.08.18Fitch Ratings affirms Taiwan’s sovereign credit rating of AA with a stable outlook, maintaining the excellent score that Taiwan has held since September 2021.
- 2023.08.22The Executive Yuan approves a plan to sustainably improve pedestrian safety.
- 2023.08.22The Executive Yuan approves a program to improve children’s playground environments and facilities.
- 2023.08.22The Executive Yuan approves updates to the third phase of its social housing subleasing and management scheme.
- 2023.08.22The Executive Yuan passes updates to its children’s health care improvement program.
- 2023.08.29Premier Chen attends a ceremony to mark the opening of newly constructed northbound and southbound ramps in the Fuzhou Area of Provincial Highway No. 65.
- 2023.08.29The Executive Yuan passes a project to upgrade motor vehicle and driver information databases and data infrastructure.
- 2023.08.30The premier attends the closing ceremony of the Executive Yuan’s 2023 Bio Taiwan Committee meeting.
- 2023.08.31The Executive Yuan approves updated measures for a policy to counter declining birth rates, including higher subsidies for child care and education, and increasing the availability of child care services at public preschools during weekdays and summer and winter vacations.
- 2023.08.31The Executive Yuan passes a plan and complementary measures to reduce the disparity between the costs of attending public versus private colleges and universities.
- 2023.08.31The Cabinet publishes draft guidelines for the use of generative AI by the Executive Yuan and its subordinate agencies.
- 2023.09.01The Executive Yuan greenlights a revised plan to establish the long-awaited National Taiwan Museum of Comics.
- 2023.09.01The Executive Yuan passes a program to boost enrollment and retention of international students.
- 2023.09.01The Executive Yuan passes the first phase of a program to develop and revitalize the greater Alishan area surrounding the century-old Alishan Forest Railway.
- 2023.09.01The Executive Yuan implements a program to assist women re-entering the workforce.
- 2023.09.01The Executive Yuan passes a medium- to long-term construction project for Hsinchu Science Park employee housing.
- 2023.09.01The Executive Yuan passes a program to promote the revitalization of maritime culture.
- 2023.09.01The Executive Yuan approves updates to a program promoting reclamation of wastewater processed by public sewage treatment plants.
- 2023.09.04The Executive Yuan passes a program to conduct a planning survey of backup subsurface water supplies and expand the reserve water capacity of Taipei and New Taipei City.
- 2023.09.04The Executive Yuan approves the Cross-Domain Digital Public Infrastructure and Digital Services Ascendancy Program.
- 2023.09.06The Penghu Ferry commences operation.
- 2023.09.07The Executive Yuan passes a medium-term plan to supply Coast Guard Administration vessels with upgraded less-lethal weapons.
- 2023.09.07The Executive Yuan passes a program to raise the quality of teaching assistant services for special education students at schools from the preschool to high school level.
- 2023.09.07The Cabinet reports on the progress of policy strategies to attract and retain international students and overseas compatriot students.
- 2023.09.11The Executive Yuan approves an adjustment to the national minimum wage, raising the monthly minimum wage from NT$26,400 (US$826) to NT$27,470 (US$859), and the hourly minimum wage from NT$176 (US$5.50) to NT$183 (US$5.72), effective from 2024.
- 2023.09.11Premier Chen attends a ceremony celebrating the fifth anniversary of Taiwan Tech Arena.
- 2023.09.12The premier inspects a recently built 6,000-ton seawater desalination plant in Magong City, Penghu, part of the second phase of a program to improve the water supply of Taiwan’s outlying islands.
- 2023.09.13The Executive Yuan approves a medium-term plan to enhance the resilience of digital communication networks during disasters and emergencies.
- 2023.09.14The Cabinet announces increases to the government’s “eight plus one” social welfare benefits in 2024.
- 2023.09.14The Cabinet announces eligibility conditions will be eased and expanded for households applying for employment permits for foreign live-in caregivers.
- 2023.09.16The premier attends the plaque unveiling ceremony of the Taiwan Institute of Sports Science.
- 2023.09.16Construction begins on the third runway and other expanded airport facilities at Taoyuan International Airport.
- 2023.09.19The Executive Yuan approves a resource deployment program to provide more comprehensive care services for people with mental and physical disabilities.
- 2023.09.19The Executive Yuan approves an action plan to promote Taiwan’s age-tech industry.
- 2023.09.19The Executive Yuan approves a two-year project to renovate local police departments, including work offices and rest facilities.
- 2023.09.19The Executive Yuan approves a project to expand Zaoqiao Interchange on National Freeway No. 1.
- 2023.09.19The Executive Yuan approves a project to relocate Taipei Motor Vehicles Office’s Banqiao service station and convert the site into social housing.
- 2023.09.21The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the House Tax Act to lighten the burden of households with one owner-occupied property, and encourage more efficient use of housing stock.
- 2023.09.21The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Nationality Act to protect the right to nationality of children and ease length-of-stay requirements for the naturalization of foreign high-level professionals.
- 2023.09.21The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Domestic Violence Prevention Act including expanding the scope of protective orders to prohibit abusers from disseminating nonconsensual intimate images or videos of their victims.
- 2023.09.21The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Sports Industry Development Act to curb ticket scalping.
- 2023.09.21The Cabinet approves the draft bill for the Military Installation Safety Protection Act.
- 2023.09.21The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Customs Import Tariff act to fulfill tariff reduction commitments under the Taiwan-Eswatini Economic Cooperation Agreement.
- 2023.09.21The Cabinet approves the draft bill for the Act on Pension Contributions for Persons during Rendering to Conscripted Military Service.
- 2023.09.22The Executive Yuan approves updates to a project to construct a new joint office building for the Lienchiang County Government.
- 2023.09.23The Executive Yuan approves phase one of a project to strengthen the nation’s power grid.
- 2023.09.23The Executive Yuan approves the Coastal Cleaning and Maintenance Project, part of the government’s Salute to the Seas policy initiative.
- 2023.09.23- 2023.10.08 Taiwan’s national team wins 19 gold, 20 silver and 28 bronze medals at the 19th Asian Games.
- 2023.09.26The government issues guidelines for the administration of Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASP).
- 2023.09.27The Executive Yuan approves a revised Taipei Metro Xinyi eastern extension construction project.
- 2023.09.27The Executive Yuan approves a program to enhance the resilience of Taiwan’s mobile communications networks by using Multi-Operator Core Network technology to build cloud-based core networks.
- 2023.09.28The first prototype boat for an indigenous defense submarine program is launched under the name “Hai Kun,” with delivery to the R.O.C Navy forecast for 2025.
- 2023.09.28The Cabinet approves a 12-point strategic plan to support the nation’s nursing workforce.
- 2023.09.28The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act to adequately safeguard the property rights of land owners who have historic buildings on their land.
- 2023.09.28The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Indigenous Peoples Status Act to safeguard the status recognition of indigenous peoples.
- 2023.09.28The Executive Yuan approves updates to the Pioneers for Innovation Leadership on Technology Program.
- 2023.10.02The Research Institute for Democracy, Society and Emerging Technology is established under the National Science and Technology Council.
- 2023.10.02The pneumococcal vaccination program lowers the age of eligibility to people ages 65 and older, to be implemented in three phases starting October 2, 2023.
- 2023.10.03The Cabinet issues its official guidelines for the use of generative AI by the Executive Yuan and its subordinate agencies.
- 2023.10.03The Executive Yuan approves a program to build a system of fixed and mobile infra-red thermal imaging cameras to improve monitoring of the maritime environment.
- 2023.10.04The Executive Yuan approves the National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan to comprehensively strengthen Taiwan’s resilience against climate change.
- 2023.10.05The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Firearms, Ammunition, and Knives Control Act.
- 2023.10.05The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Housing Act.
- 2023.10.05The Executive Yuan approves a sports and recreation ecological park and residential housing construction project at Baipao Lake in New Taipei City.
- 2023.10.05The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Water Act.
- 2023.10.05The Cabinet approves a draft amendment to the Statute for Expediting Reconstruction of Urban Unsafe and Old Buildings.
- 2023.10.05The Cabinet announces guidelines for the secure use and procurement of information technology services by government agencies.
- 2023.10.05The Cabinet announces a new website that showcases highlights from the Forward-looking Infrastructure Development Program.
- 2023.10.09The Triton weather satellite is successfully launched into space orbit and begins performing tasks.
- 2023.10.11The Executive Yuan approves updates to a project for the construction of New Taipei Metro’s Sanying Line and development of its surrounding area.
- 2023.10.12The Executive Yuan approves the fourth phase of the Taitung County comprehensive development implementation plan.
- 2023.10.12The Executive Yuan authorizes the Coast Guard Administration to establish a special operations support center.
- 2023.10.12The Cabinet reports the results of the government’s policy of increasing investment in sports, and praises the performance of Taiwan’s national team at the 19th Asian Games.
- 2023.10.12The premier attends a groundbreaking ceremony for a project to expand the National Health Research Institutes’ biologics plant and construct a strategic platform resource bank.
- 2023.10.15Eligibility is broadened for households submitting employment permit applications for foreign live-in caregivers, allowing three new possible criteria as alternatives to the Barthel Index assessment requirement.
- 2023.10.16Taiwan’s second representative office in Italy officially opens in the city of Milan.
- 2023.10.16The Executive Yuan approves the second phase of an integrated plan to upgrade and diversify a round-island network of cycle routes.
- 2023.10.19The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Classified National Security Information Protection Act and the Political Archives Act.
- 2023.10.19The Cabinet reports on the achievements of the 2023 Hakka Expo and other Hakka affairs policies.
- 2023.10.19The Cabinet reports on the progress of the third phase of the National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan (2023-2026).
- 2023.10.20The Executive Yuan approves a project to improve the National Freeway No. 8 Tainan System Interchange and elevate the freeway’s intersection with South 133 County Road.
- 2023.10.23The Executive Yuan approves a program to promote mainstreaming of Taiwan’s indigenous cultures through the creation of friendly public spaces.
- 2023.10.24Premier Chen attends the inauguration ceremony for Taiwan Power Co.’s Renze geothermal power plant in Yilan County.
- 2023.10.24Taiwan ranks 10th in the Sustainable Trade Index, published by the Hinrich Foundation in partnership with the International Institute for Management Development.
- 2023.10.26The Cabinet delivers a briefing on progress toward the nation’s transition to green energy and reports that renewable energy comprises 9.5% of Taiwan’s total generation capacity.
- 2023.10.26The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Civil Servant Association Act to adequately protect the freedom of association rights of civil servants.
- 2023.10.30The Executive Yuan approves a memorandum of understanding on labor force cooperation with India.
- 2023.10.31The Executive Yuan approves phase one of the Taiwan Chip-based Industrial Innovation Program.
- 2023.10.31The first phase of the Puding Water Resources Recycling Center in Taoyuan City begins operation.
- 2023.11.01The International Talent Taiwan Office is established, offering a one-stop service center for foreign professionals in Taiwan.
- 2023.11.02The Executive Yuan approves the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s medium- to long-term program to implement and enforce the Sexual Harassment Prevention Act.
- 2023.11.02The Cabinet delivers a briefing on the Taiwan Chip-based Industrial Innovation Program.
- 2023.11.03The Executive Yuan approves a program to enhance the sports and competition environment for all citizens.
- 2023.11.03The Executive Yuan approves an engineering project to widen and improve Provincial Highway No. 9 between Shuangliu and Xinlu in Pingtung County.
- 2023.11.03The Executive Yuan approves updates to the National Climate Change Action Guidelines.
- 2023.11.08Taiwan and the U.K. sign an Enhanced Trade Partnership Arrangement.
- 2023.11.09The Executive Yuan approves a plan to establish a national experimental high school in Kaohsiung.
- 2023.11.09The Cabinet approves the draft bill for the Nutrition and Healthy Diet Promotion Act.
- 2023.11.09The Cabinet delivers a briefing on enhanced fraud prevention measures, including phone number masking for e-commerce delivery services and a “111” short code SMS platform for easy identification of official government messages.
- 2023.11.09The Cabinet delivers a briefing on the government’s achievements to date.
- 2023.11.10Taiwan is included in the European Commission’s list of approved third countries for the importation of active pharmaceutical ingredients.
- 2023.11.13The Executive Yuan approves a project to build a new campus of Puzi Hospital in Dongshi Township, Chiayi County.
- 2023.11.15The results of the ninth nationwide campaign against drug abuse are announced.
- 2023.11.16The Cabinet reports the results of a policy optimizing five major factors for industrial investment.
- 2023.11.16The Cabinet provides a briefing on a plan to enhance digital resilience of critical public information systems operated by executive branches of government.
- 2023.11.21The Executive Yuan approves a plan to expand and transform the National Police Agency’s Second Special Police Corps.
- 2023.11.23The Cabinet provides a briefing on income tax reforms, including increased tax-deductible allowances for basic living expenses for fiscal year 2023 and adjustments to tax exemptions, deductions and tax brackets starting in fiscal year 2024.
- 2023.11.23The Executive Yuan announces an incentive program for residential care home institutions that nominate employees to undertake advanced training.
- 2023.11.27The Executive Yuan approves a special plan to subsidize the repair and reconstruction of homes on Taitung County’s Orchid Island (Lanyu) that were damaged by Typhoon Koinu.
- 2023.11.28The Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering’s Mutual Evaluation Committee announces Taiwan has maintained its favorable “regular follow-up” status.
- 2023.11.28The Executive Yuan approves a program to provide guidance for agricultural product traceability and certification, food safety management and marketing.
- 2023.11.30The International Institute for Management Development publishes its World Digital Competitiveness Ranking 2023, ranking Taiwan ninth globally, rising from 16th place in 2018.
- 2023.11.30The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Fire Services Act to enhance the ability of businesses to safely manage public hazardous materials, and strengthen the whistleblower reward system.
- 2023.12.04The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Montreal is inaugurated.
- 2023.12.05Premier Chen attends the plaque unveiling ceremony for the Preparatory Office of the Personal Data Protection Commission.
- 2023.12.05The Executive Yuan publishes a list of national core and critical technologies and regulatory authorities.
- 2023.12.06International human rights organization CIVICUS publishes its People Power Under Attack 2023 report, naming Taiwan the only country in Asia with an “open” civic space for the fifth consecutive year.
- 2023.12.06The Long-term Retention of Migrant Workers Service Center is inaugurated.
- 2023.12.06Amendments to the Architects Act are promulgated.
- 2023.12.07The Cabinet provides a briefing on Taiwan’s performance in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) 2022 education rankings.
- 2023.12.08The Executive Yuan approves a medium-term plan to enhance the efficiency and service quality of fire incident investigations.
- 2023.12.11The Executive Yuan approves increased meal tax allowances for employees of profit-seeking enterprises and professional practitioners for fiscal year 2023.
- 2023.12.12The Executive Yuan approves a plan to strengthen data transfer resilience across government and build a common infrastructure and platform for the distribution of government cash handouts and other provisions.
- 2023.12.13The Executive Yuan approves a revised three-year plan to improve the internal facilities and accommodations at fire department stations.
- 2023.12.13The Executive Yuan approves a medium- to long-term engineering project to extend the outfall pipe system at Hsinchu’s Tongluo Science Park.
- 2023.12.13The Executive Yuan approves a plan to enhance the backup and recovery cloud infrastructure of key public service systems operated by executive branches of government.
- 2023.12.13- 2023.12.15 The Executive Yuan convenes its 2023 Science and Technology Advisory Board Meeting.
- 2023.12.14The Executive Yuan signs off on a feasibility assessment for a construction project to extend Provincial Highway No. 39 to Kaohsiung’s Renwu District.
- 2023.12.14The Cabinet provides a briefing on the results of the government’s promotion of social housing and proposed measures to increase land supply for social housing.
- 2023.12.15The Executive Yuan approves a comprehensive road improvement plan to achieve more balanced urban-rural development.
- 2023.12.18The Executive Yuan approves an environmental safety improvement plan for public elementary and junior high schools.
- 2023.12.19The Executive Yuan approves a construction project to add an interchange on National Freeway No. 3 at Taoyuan’s Bade District.
- 2023.12.20The Executive Yuan approves a special assistance plan for the indigenous community living on Taitung County’s Orchid Island (Lanyu) whose vessels were damaged by Typhoon Koinu.
- 2023.12.20The Executive Yuan approves gas appliance energy saving subsidies for the year 2024.
- 2023.12.20The U.S.-based Cato Institute and Canada’s Fraser Institute publish the 2023 Human Freedom Index, ranking Taiwan 12th in the world out of 165 jurisdictions—and the highest in Asia—for human and personal freedoms.
- 2023.12.21The Executive Yuan approves a pilot program to improve government interpretation services.
- 2023.12.21The Executive Yuan approves a plan to prevent and control air pollution.
- 2023.12.21The Cabinet delivers a briefing on measures to guard against African swine fever and protect Taiwan’s hog population.
- 2023.12.21The Cabinet delivers a report on policies and measures designed to provide significant benefits to Taiwan’s youth population.
- 2023.12.22Taiwan and Canada sign a Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA).
- 2023.12.25The Executive Yuan announces the outline program for the 2024 disaster prevention and rescue exercise.
- 2023.12.25The Executive Yuan announces its basic plan for disaster prevention and rescue.
- 2023.12.27Construction begins on a new consolidated judicial complex on expropriated land in New Taipei City’s Tucheng District to house prosecutorial offices, law courts and detention centers.
- 2023.12.27Amendments to the Law on the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf of the Republic of China are promulgated.
- 2023.12.28The Cabinet delivers a briefing on the implementation of industrial subsidies to assist manufacturers affected by the global economic downturn.
- 2023.12.29The Executive Yuan approves a lane widening project for National Freeway No. 1 between Taoyuan’s Yangmei District and Miaoli County’s Toufen City.
- 2023.12.29The Executive Yuan approves a program to provide on-campus accommodation subsidies for college and university students in 2024.
- 2023.12.29The Executive Yuan approves a plan to improve the environmental quality of public retail markets and regulated night markets.
- 2023.12.29The Executive Yuan approves updates to a project to construct a new road connecting Pingtung County’s National Freeway No. 10 Ligang Interchange with Kaohsiung’s Xinwei Bridge.
- 2023.12.29The Executive Yuan extends the valid duration of tax reduction clauses in the Urban Renewal Act.
- 2023.12.29The Executive Yuan decrees an effective date of January 1, 2024 for the Minimum Wage Act.
- 2024.01.01The Taiwan Railway Corporation is inaugurated. The state-owned company, formerly the Taiwan Railways Administration, underwent corporatization to carry out structural reforms.
- 2024.01.01The Executive Yuan promotes a parallel review mechanism for new medicines, which allows pharmaceutical companies to apply for drug licensing and National Health Insurance listing at the same time.
- 2024.01.01The Executive Yuan raises child care subsidies for children ages 0-2.
- 2024.01.01The “111” SMS platform goes online, allowing the public to easily identify official government messages.
- 2024.01.02The Executive Yuan approves the third phase of an action plan to prevent and alleviate the spread of dust pollution from the Jhuoshuei River riverbed.
- 2024.01.04Premier Chen leads a Cabinet meeting regarding the 4% raise to salaries for military, civil servants and public school teachers, and the 15% raise to academic research allowances for professors at public colleges and universities, which took effect on January 1, 2024.
- 2024.01.04The Cabinet provides a briefing on the promotion of precision health as a strategic industry to improve the health and well-being of people of all ages.
- 2024.01.04The Cabinet provides a briefing on the implementation of a rolling program to assess the health of public-facing government digital services.
- 2024.01.04The Executive Yuan approves a program to invest in critical infrastructure for promoting digital innovation.
- 2024.01.09The government publishes data showing Taiwan’s exports totaled US$432.48 billion in 2023, marking a record three consecutive years that exports have surpassed US$430 billion.
- 2024.01.09The Executive Yuan approves a medium-term project to strengthen the fire protection capacity of key science parks.
- 2024.01.10The Executive Yuan approves a plan to eliminate hepatitis C by 2025.
- 2024.01.10The Executive Yuan approves a plan to improve national safety management of chemical substances and strengthen resilience and sustainability.
- 2024.01.10The Executive Yuan approves a revised action plan on waste management and resource recovery.
- 2024.01.11The Cabinet provides a briefing on enhanced measures to improve the cultivation of high-tech talent.
- 2024.01.16The Executive Yuan approves a project to develop a university town on the Nantou County campus of National Chung Hsing University by repurposing existing buildings in the area.
- 2024.01.17The Executive Yuan approves a program to support the government’s pet-related management systems and the development of a healthy and robust pet industry.
- 2024.01.17The Executive Yuan approves a project to construct a second medical building at Taoyuan General Hospital.
- 2024.01.24The Executive Yuan approves a revised environmental safety improvement plan for public elementary and junior high schools.
- 2024.01.25The Executive Yuan convenes the first Road Traffic Safety Report Meeting in accordance with the Road Traffic Safety Basic Act.
- 2024.01.26The Executive Yuan implements new standards for nurse-to-patient ratios in hospitals across all three shifts to improve working conditions and encourage nursing staff to stay in the profession.
- 2024.01.26Amendments to the Regulations on Tax Reduction Encouragement for Introduction of Industries into New Towns are promulgated.
- 2024.01.29The Executive Yuan approves a project for the construction of Taichung Metro’s Blue Line.
- 2024.01.29The Executive Yuan signs off on a feasibility assessment for a construction project to extend Provincial Highway 2G.
- 2024.01.29The Executive Yuan signs off on a feasibility study for a project to fully dual-track Taiwan Railway Corporation’s Coastal Line.
- 2024.01.29The Executive Yuan approves updates to a project to construct a long-term care and general medical building at Penghu Hospital.
- 2024.01.30The U.S.-based Global Finance magazine publishes its Richest Countries in the World 2024 rankings, placing Taiwan 14th out of 190 countries and territories based upon per capita GDP and adjusted for purchasing power parity (PPP).
- 2024.01.31The Executive Yuan signs off on a feasibility study for a project to extend Taichung Metro’s Wuri-Wenxin-Beitun Line.
- 2024.01.31The Executive Yuan signs off on a comprehensive planning report for the construction of a commuter metro line connecting Keelung’s Badu Station to Taipei’s Nangang Station.
- 2024.01.31The Taiwan Food and Drug Administration officially joins the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities.
- 2024.01.31The Executive Yuan announces the government’s Long-term Care Plan 2.0 has achieved service coverage of 80.19%.
- 2024.02.01The Executive Yuan extends National Health Insurance coverage to Chinese nationals studying in Taiwan.
- 2024.02.01The Cabinet provides a briefing on a new regional revitalization plan that builds sustainable benefits for all (2025-2028).
- 2024.02.02The Executive Yuan approves the second phase of a plan to promote animal protections and animal-friendly measures.
- 2024.02.02The Executive Yuan approves the fourth phase of a Hualien County comprehensive development implementation program.
- 2024.02.06The Executive Yuan approves the fifth phase of an integrated mountain management and disaster prevention program.
- 2024.02.06The Executive Yuan approves a revised comprehensive plan for the construction of Chiayi City Civic Center (North Building).
- 2024.02.06The Executive Yuan approves a medium-term plan to augment and improve disaster prevention and rescue training capacity and facilities/equipment.
- 2024.02.07The Executive Yuan approves the fourth phase of a program to improve agricultural roads and facilities in urgent need of repair outside of farmland readjustment areas.
- 2024.02.15The Executive Yuan approves the first phase of a Taiwan Railway Corporation train maintenance program.
- 2024.02.15The Executive Yuan approves a medium-range program to upgrade the National Airborne Service Corps’ fleet of Eurocopter AS365 Dauphins.
- 2024.02.15The Cabinet provides a briefing on an enhanced assistance program to augment advanced unmanned vehicles and equipment used for disaster relief by city and county fire departments.
- 2024.02.15The Cabinet approves the draft bill for the Marine Conservation Act.
- 2024.02.15The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Act for Distant Water Fisheries.
- 2024.02.15The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Wildlife Conservation Act.
- 2024.02.15The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Indigenous Peoples Employment Rights Protection Act.
- 2024.02.16The Executive Yuan signs off on a feasibility study for the reconstruction of a section of Provincial Highway No. 8 between Taichung’s Guguan and Deji.
- 2024.02.16The Executive Yuan approves a residential housing plan and associated financial plan.
- 2024.02.21The Executive Yuan approves a medium-term plan for the management and protection of national parks.
- 2024.02.22The Executive Yuan approves a plan to create Taiwan’s own version of a Silicon Valley in the Taoyuan-Hsinchu-Miaoli region.
- 2024.02.22The Executive Yuan approves a plan to promote a 5G AIoT innovation hub in Kaohsiung’s Asia New Bay Area.
- 2024.02.22The Executive Yuan submits to the Legislative Yuan a draft bill to implement the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, in accordance with international legal frameworks on human rights.
- 2024.02.22The Cabinet approves a draft bill to allow R.O.C. nationals to vote from outside their constituencies during national referendums.
- 2024.02.22The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Armed Forces Punishment Act and a draft bill on the handling of human rights incidents involving military personnel.
- 2024.02.22The Cabinet delivers a briefing on the Asia Silicon Valley 3.0 plan, with a focus on the development of 5G private networks and miniaturized artificial intelligence technologies.
- 2024.02.29The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Electronic Signatures Act.
- 2024.02.29The Cabinet provides a briefing on the progress of government initiatives to jointly cultivate talent through collaboration with industry and academia by establishing regional talent training bases and specialized research colleges.
- 2024.03.01The Executive Yuan approves a revised feasibility study and comprehensive planning report for the Taoyuan Metro Brown Line.
- 2024.03.05The Executive Yuan approves updates to a plan to construct additional buildings for public schools at the high school level and below in areas of emerging population growth.
- 2024.03.05The Executive Yuan approves a nationwide program to conduct R&D into smart technology-enabled fire prevention, firefighting and disaster rescue equipment.
- 2024.03.05The Executive Yuan approves a public construction project to build a green energy test laboratory.
- 2024.03.07The Cabinet delivers a report on the government’s expanded rent subsidy program for the period 2023-2024.
- 2024.03.07The Cabinet approves a draft bill governing safe environments for pedestrian traffic.
- 2024.03.07The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act.
- 2024.03.08The Executive Yuan approves a 4% increase to periodic retirement and bereavement compensation payments for retired military personnel, civil servants and public school teachers, effective January 1, 2024.
- 2024.03.11The Executive Yuan signs off on a feasibility assessment for a project to elevate Provincial Highway 61B in Changhua County.
- 2024.03.14The Executive Yuan approves a project to construct a new shared office building to house the Administrative Enforcement Agency’s Taichung Branch and the Agency Against Corruption’s Central Investigation Office.
- 2024.03.14The Executive Yuan approves a national program to decommission and clean up nuclear research facilities.
- 2024.03.14The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Securities Investment Trust and Consulting Act.
- 2024.03.14The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Value-added and Non-value-added Business Tax Act.
- 2024.03.14The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Factory Management Act.
- 2024.03.19The Executive Yuan approves a project to build a national indigenous peoples’ museum.
- 2024.03.19The Executive Yuan approves a feasibility assessment to extend Provincial Highway No. 62 to New Taipei City’s Wanli and Jinshan districts.
- 2024.03.21The TAIEX stock market index breaks past the 20,000-point mark for the first time on March 8, 2024. Since 2016, the TAIEX has risen 142%, outperforming other major stock markets in Asia.
- 2024.03.25The Executive Yuan signs off on a comprehensive planning report for the western exhibition hall of the Taichung International Convention and Exhibition Center.
- 2024.03.26The Executive Yuan approves a plan to build a digital security network for correctional facilities under the Ministry of Justice’s Agency of Corrections.
- 2024.03.28The Cabinet approves draft amendments to the Customs Import Tariff act to fulfill tariff reduction commitments under the Taiwan-Marshall Islands economic cooperation agreement and comply with World Trade Organization rules.
- 2024.04.02Premier Chen inspects the Danjiang Bridge and connecting road project, and a north-to-northeast coast bicycle path linkage project.
- 2024.04.02The Executive Yuan approves a 4% increase to home-care allowances for fully government-paid home-care veterans with effect from January 1, 2024.
- 2024.04.03The Executive Yuan approves revised proposals for the Chiayi Urban Area Elevated Railway Project.
- 2024.04.03The Executive Yuan approves a program to promote beautiful environments.
- 2024.04.09The Executive Yuan signs off on a feasibility study to construct a Southern Pingtung expressway.
- 2024.04.12The Premier attends the opening ceremony for a new biotech center at Hsinchu Biomedical Science Park.
- 2024.04.15The premier inspects the construction of a water pipeline between Taoyuan’s Shihmen Reservoir and the Hsinchu region.
- 2024.04.18The Executive Yuan approves a program to drill wells and expand data gathering at potential geothermal energy sites.
- 2024.04.18The Cabinet establishes May 19 as White Terror Memorial Day.
- 2024.05.02The Cabinet approves a disaster recovery and reconstruction plan to assist Hualien County following an earthquake which struck the region on April 3. The total reconstruction budget was estimated to be over NT$25 billion (US$769.3 million).
- 2024.05.10The Executive Yuan approves a sustainable development program for inter-regional agricultural water resource integration.