1948.11.26 - 1949.03.12

A native of Zhongshan, Guangdong, Sun Fo also served as president of the Legislative Yuan and vice chairman of the Nationalist Government. After visiting the U.K. and Germany in 1928 to investigate local political and economic development, Sun drafted the general principles governing the Period of Political Tutelage—a preconstitutional form of government. In 1932, Sun became head of the Constitution drafting commission. He moved to Taiwan in 1964, after which he became president of the Examination Yuan and senior adviser to the president.

Important Events

  • 1948.12.29
    The Executive Yuan Council approves Chen Cheng as chairman of the Taiwan Provincial Government.
  • 1949.01.25
    The Executive Yuan resolves to move the government from Nanjing to Guangzhou.