LEE Huan
19890601 - 19900601

A native of Hankou, Hunan, Lee Huan received a bachelor’s degree in education from Columbia University. Besides premier, he served as president of National Sun Yat-sen University, minister of education, secretary-general of the Kuomintang, and senior adviser to the president.

Important Events

  • 78.08.15
    The Executive Yuan sets up a task force to promote privatization of state-owned enterprises.
  • 79.02.01
    The Executive Yuan Council passes drafts of the Statute for Upgrading Industry (passed by the Legislative Yuan on December 28, 1990 and promulgated by the president on December 29, 1990) and the Foreign Futures Trading Act (passed by the Legislative Yuan on June 19, 1992 and promulgated by the president on July 10, 1992).