Premier Chiang Ching-kuo inspects progress on the Ten Major Construction Projects.


The Ten Major Construction Projects are a series of national infrastructure projects during the 1970s that centered on transportation and heavy industries. They were among the most well-known and popular initiatives of Premier Chiang Ching-kuo, whose philosophy was “Do it today or regret it tomorrow.”

The 10 projects were made up of six in transportation, three in heavy industry and one in nuclear power. These consisted of the Port of Taichung, the Port of Su-ao, the former Chiang Kai-shek International Airport, the North-Link Line railway, National Freeway No. 1, electrification of the Western Line railway, steelworks, shipbuilding yards, petrochemical industries and nuclear power plants.

This massive undertaking not only saved Taiwan from the economic turmoil of the Oil Crisis but also strengthened the foundation for Taiwan’s economic and industrial growth.